© Luca Fascini
With hundreds of institutions and more than 34'000 employees, International Geneva actors offer a vast range of job opportunities. Our Who's Who gives you direct access to the main institutions jobs & careers pages.
In addition, you may find job offers on the following platforms:
- CAGI Recruitment Platform
- CinfoPoste, the Swiss portal for jobs in international cooperation
- Reliefweb, job listing for humanitarian workers
- United Nations Careers, official recruitment portal of the United Nations
Amnesty International - United Nations Office
Non-governmental organizations
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development - FORUM-ASIA
Non-governmental organizations
Association for the Prevention of Torture - APT
Non-governmental organizations
Association World Vision International - WVI
Non-governmental organizations
Center for Civilians in Conflict - CIVIC
Non-governmental organizations
Center for Reproductive Rights, Geneva Office - CRR
Non-governmental organizations
Centre for Civil and Political Rights - CCPR Centre
Non-governmental organizations
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue - HD Centre
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Convention Against Torture Initiative - CTI
Non-governmental organizations
Defence for Children International - DCI
Non-governmental organizations
East-West Management Institute - EWMI
Non-governmental organizations
Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco-growing Foundation - ECLT
Non-governmental organizations
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Geneva Office (FES)
Non-governmental organizations
Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights - ADH
Academic and training Institutions
Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies
Academic and training Institutions
Geneva federation for cooperation and development - FGC
Non-governmental organizations
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining - GICHD
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes - GAAMAC Support office
Non-governmental organizations
Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime - GITOC
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies - IHEID
Academic and training Institutions
Gulf Research Center Foundation - GRCF
Non-governmental organizations
Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) - Geneva office
Non-governmental organizations
Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems International - HURIDOCS
Non-governmental organizations
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre - IDMC
Non-governmental organizations
International alliance for the protection of heritage - ALIPH
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Bridges to Justice - IBJ
Non-governmental organizations
International Bureau of Education - IBE UNESCO
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Catholic Center of Geneva - CCIG
Non-governmental organizations
International Catholic Child Bureau - BICE
Non-governmental organizations
International Catholic Migration Commission - ICMC
Non-governmental organizations
International Cocoa Initiative - ICI
Non-governmental organizations
International Commission of Jurists - ICJ
Non-governmental organizations
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Federation for Human Rights - FIDH
Non-governmental organizations
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Organization for Migration - IOM
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Non-governmental organizations
International Rescue Committee - IRC
Non-governmental organizations
International Service for Human Rights - ISHR
Non-governmental organizations
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Non-governmental organizations
NGO Coordination Committee for Iraq - NCCI
Non-governmental organizations
Nonviolent Peaceforce International
Non-governmental organizations
NORRAG - IHEID Global Education Centre
Academic and training Institutions
Peace Brigades International (PBI) Switerland
Non-governmental organizations
Quakers United Nations Office - QUNO
Non-governmental organizations
Save the Children - Geneva Advocacy Office
Non-governmental organizations
UN Women Geneva Office
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
United Nations Office at Geneva - UNOG
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - OCHA
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - OHCHR
International Organisations, Programmes, Funds, Institutes and other
World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations - World YMCA
Non-governmental organizations
World Federation of United Nations Associations - WFUNA
Non-governmental organizations
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