International Labour Organization – ILO

"Die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) ist verantwortlich für die Entwicklung, Überarbeitung und Überwachung der Einhaltung internationaler Arbeitsstandards. Sie ist die einzige dreigliedrige UN-Behörde und vereinigt Regierungsvertreter, Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer, um gemeinsam Strategien und Programme für eine menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle auszuarbeiten."
Flagship reports
- World Employment and Social Outlook
- World Social Protection Report
- Global Wage Report
Find out more about ILO's flagship reports
Annual reports
Reports of the Chairperson of the Governing Body to the International Labour Conference
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The ILO's International Program on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) has helped remove more than 86 million children from child labour around the world.
Globally, in 2018-2019, some 1'000 enterprises with more than 200'000 workers followed the ILO “Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises” (SCORE) programme, leading to major cost savings, better productivity and improved working conditions
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In the context of ILO’s Better Work flagship programme, ILO constituents in Cambodia, Haiti, Indonesia, Jordan, Nicaragua and Viet Nam developed programmes that improved compliance with Occupational Safety and Health and labour standards, benefiting more than 1,500 enterprises and over 2 million workers in the global supply chains in the garment and textile sectors
Source: ILO