
All activities in International Geneva at a glance. To stay informed about international Geneva upcoming events, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.


Main events of the year
Organizer Event Date Location Link
AidEx 2024 | The global humanitarian aid event

34th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent “Navigate Uncertainty – Strengthen Humanity”

International Conference Center Geneva (CICG)
Building Bridges 2024

CICG, Geneva and Livestream
Next events
Organizer Event Date Location Link
Public Events
Exposition: "À travers temps et frontières" - Un siècle au service de l'enfant et de la famille

Espace Quartier Libre SIG, Pont de la Machine, Genève
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) / 89th session

Room V (Palais des Nations)
Human Rights Committee / 142nd session (CCPR)

Room PWG (Palais Wilson)
ITU-R Working Party 4A (WP 4A) - Efficient orbit/spectrum utilization for FSS and BSS

ITU Headquarters
HRC Working Group on the Rights of Peasants / 2nd session

Room III (Palais des Nations)
HRC Working Group on elaborating a legally binding instrument on transnational corporations and human rights / 10th session

Palais des Nations
21st meeting of the Vector Control Advisory Group (VCAG)

Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Conference 2024 (AeroMetSci-2024)

WMO Headquarters
Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (91st session)

Palais des Nations
79th INN Consultation

Committee on Trade Facilitation

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
AidEx 2024 | The global humanitarian aid event

Multi-Year Expert Meeting on Transport, Trade Logistics and Trade Facilitation, eleventh session

Palais des Nations
Global Meeting on Rights and Drug Policy

UNAIDS Building
Working Party on Inland Water Transport (68th session)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Local environmental democracy and green transitions: Mapping institutional mechanisms and political mobilisations

10th meeting of the States parties to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT)

Room Tempus (Palais des Nations)
Public Events
New Humanitarian Ethics for the Climate Emergency

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Auditorium Ivan Pictet | Maison de la paix
Public Events
Development Dialogues | The Rights of Future Generations after the Summit of the Future

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UPOV Council | Fifty-Eighth Ordinary Session

Trade Policy Review Body - Maldives

WTO, Geneva
2nd High-Level Dialogue on Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Fashion

WIPO Headquarters
Public Events
34th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent “Navigate Uncertainty – Strengthen Humanity”

International Conference Center Geneva (CICG)
HRC Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development / 10th session

Palais des Nations
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) / 91st Pre-sessional Working Group

Room V (Palais des Nations)
HRC Working Group on Situations / 34th session

Room III (Palais des Nations)
Committee Against Torture (CAT) / 81st session

Room PW1 (Palais Wilson)
Twenty-second session of the Steering Committee of the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme

Palais des Nations
352nd Session of the Governing Body

ILO Headquarters
LHC Resources Review Boards Meetings

Council Chamber (CERN)
56th meeting of the WHO International Working Group for Drug Statistics Methodology

WHO Headquarters
Committee on Safeguards

WTO, Geneva
Group of Experts on European Agreement Concerning Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) (36th session)

Palais des Nations
Informal Group of Developing Countries

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Déjeuner-débat avec Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdelkarim Al-Issa, Secrétaire général de la Ligue islamique mondiale (LIM)

Methane Mondays - 11th Meeting

Dispute Settlement Body

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Azerbaijan : War, Repression, Cop-29

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Uni Mail, room MR060
Working Party on the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs (81st session)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Global Model WHO 2024

WHO Headquarters
Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Regular meeting

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Webinar | Health Diplomacy in War and International Conflict

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Working Party on Road Transport (119th session)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Road to Busan | Prioritizing Principles of Accountability, Transparency and Justice in the Future Global Plastics Treaty

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Public Events
Spouses/partners of employees of International Geneva: How to succeed with your job search Programme Venue Registration form Contact

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WIPO Building, chemin des Colombettes 34
Public Events
Guidance on the Scope of the Global Framework on Chemicals Fund

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Public Events
Breaking Open Barriers: Frontiers for Gender Equality - A Geneva Security Debate

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Maison de la Paix and online
5th Meeting of the Expert Team on Space Weather

WMO Headquarters
Public Events
Road to Busan | Launch and Panel Discussion | Champions of Change – Business Leaders for Plastic Production Reduction

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Public Events
Election présidentielle américaine 2024 : les médias en font-ils trop ?

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CJFM / Maison de la communication, Avenue de Florimont 1, Lausanne
Public Events
Guidelines on Completing the Application for the Global Framework on Chemicals Fund

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Social Forum of the Human Rights Council / 16th session

Room Tempus (Palais des Nations)
Trade and Development Board, 76th executive session

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Digital Transformation Dialogues Webinar | City Horizons: Celebrating World Cities Day and Shaping Urban Futures

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DS Reform Technical-Level Transparency Meeting (for experts in Geneva and in Capitals)

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Webinar | The role of epidemiology in preventing osteoporotic fractures in Latin America

Public Events
Nouvelle diplomatie, nouveau journalisme ? Le laboratoire de la Genève internationale

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RTS, Quai Ernest-ansermet 20
Public Events
Webinar | Development of PCB Inventories

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Dialogue on Plastics Pollution and Environmentally Sustainable Plastics Trade (DPP)

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Evolutions de Carrière Stratégiques : Naviguer dans les Professions Mondiales de L'Approvisionnement en Santé

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Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Working Group on Implementation

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Young Professionals Agreements: Facilitating the Temporary Recruitment of Foreign Young Talents in Switzerland

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La Pastorale - Auditorium, Route de Ferney 106
Inaugural Ceremony of the Armenia-France Friendship Room, organized jointly by the Permanent Missions of Armenia and France

Room XXIII (Palais des Nations)
Public Events
IGC Lunch & Learn - Weathering the Storm: Sexual and Reproductive Health in Climate Change

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Maison de la Paix (GCSP) and online
Public Events
Webinar | Celebrating World Cities Day and Shaping Urban Futures

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Biodiversity: case closed?

Salle du Faubourg, Botanical Conservatory and Garden of Geneva
ITU-R Study Group 4 (SG 4) | Satellite services

ITU Headquarters
Public Events
Meet with Patricia Danzi: “What future for Swiss international cooperation?

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Uni Mail, MR280
Public Events
2024 International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East

Palais des Nations, Room XXVI and live webcast
Public Events
1000 milles d'espérance - une immersion sonore

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Palace de Caux, Rue du Panorama 2, 1824 Caux
ITU-D Study Group 1 - Enabling environment for meaningful connectivity

ITU Headquarters
HRC Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review / 47th session #UPR47

Room AH (Palais des Nations)
35th Session of the Standing Committee on Programmes and Finance

Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG)
ITU-R Working Party 6C (WP 6C) - Programme production and quality assessment

ITU Headquarters
Workshop on the Modernization of Official Statistics

Palais des Nations
Informal Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade

WTO, Geneva
Committee on Import Licensing

WTO, Geneva
International conference “Towards Nicaea 2025: Exploring the Council’s Ecumenical Significance Today”

The Ecumenical Institute at Bossey
Expert group on Decision 482

ITU Headquarters
Twelfth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

WHO Headquarters
Working Party on State Trading Enterprises

WTO, Geneva
Committee on Trade in Civil Aircraft

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
How to Reclaim Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking?

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Maison de la paix, Petal 2, A1B
Faith for Rights commUNity of practices: Fifth annual meeting 2024

Room 1-016 (Palais Wilson)
ITU-R Working Party 1B (WP 1B) | Spectrum management methodologies and economic strategies

ITU Headquarters
Consultative meeting on capacity-building needs for effective implementation of sustainability reporting requirements

Palais des Nations
Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (116th session)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
FIDIC Webinar Series | Sustainable development webinar

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ITU-R Working Party 6A (WP 6A) - Terrestrial broadcasting delivery

ITU Headquarters
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Digital Transformation Dialogues Ask the Expert Session | Smart Submarine Cables: The future of disaster management

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Joint meeting of the bureaux of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions

Tenth Expert Group Meeting on DDT

International Environment House
Public Events
WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property (IP) and Frontier Technologies: 10th Session

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Public Events
2024 Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform

Maison de la Paix
Public Events
Webinar: Source attribution method in the foodborne diseases estimates

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Intergovernmental working group of experts on international standards of accounting and reporting, 41st session

Palais des Nations
29th session of the Committee on Environmental Policy

Palais des Nations
First GFMD Preparatory Meetings

Geneva & Hybrid
37th RBM Board Finance Committee

Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Webinar | Key findings from the World e-Parliament Report 2024

Public Events
Trees in Dry Cities Coalition webinar series | Drought - Water Accessibility and Availability: Challenges, Successes, and Failures

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Public Events
Road to Busan | Launch and Panel Discussion | Analysis of Governments’ Authority to Mitigate Micro- and Nanoplastic Releases to Inform the Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations

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Ninth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information under the Aarhus Convention

Palais des Nations
ITU Workshop on the Future of TV for Europe

ITU Headquarters and online
Public Events
WBCSD-RY Reporting Matters 2024 Launch Webinar (2 sessions)

Public Events
GONE webinar on Mali: Moving closer to onchocerciasis elimination

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Public Events
Translating the Global Research Agenda on Health, Migration and Displacement

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Public Events
Webinar | Translating the Global Research Agenda on health, migration and displacement into evidence-informed policies

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Public Events
Official Ceremony for the Endorsement of the Geneva Pledge for Gender-Responsive Climate Action

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Webinar | Understanding and upholding freedom of religion or belief

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Public Events
30 Years of the TBT Agreement (technical barriers to trade | High-level event

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Hybrid event
Public Events
A Geneva policy dialogue for impact: Country solutions on education in emergencies and climate change

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Room V, Building A, Palais des Nations
Public Events
Webinar | Unpacking Global Digital Compact | Book launch

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ITU-D Study Group 2 - Digital transformation

ITU Headquarters
79th session of the Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards

Palais des Nations
Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) / 54th session

Room PWG (Palais Wilson)
HRC Working Group on Arbitrary Detention / 101st session

Room IX (Palais des Nations)
Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) / 18th Conference of the High Contracting Parties to Protocol V

Palais des Nations Room XIX
Radio Regulations Board (RRB)

ITU Headquarters
ITU-R Working Party 6B (WP 6B) - Broadcast service assembly and access

ITU Headquarters
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Thematic Session

WTO, Geneva
2024 UNLINKS annual meeting

Library (Palais des Nations)
Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries

WTO, Geneva
10th Meeting of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group of Experts (STAGE) for Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (MNCAHN)

Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) / 26th Annual Conference of Amended Protocol II

Palais des Nations Room XIX
World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (194th session)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Webinar| How to develop parliamentary library services based on the needs of customers

Scientific Committees | ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee (INTC) - 77th Meeting

Room C (CERN) and remote
Fifth meeting of the Bureau of the Global Framework on Chemicals

Meetings on CCW

Room XXVII (Palais des Nations)
Public Events
"Weaponizing Water: Can Geneva reverse the trend?" Panel

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Maison de la Paix
Impunity for Crimes against Journalists: the legal drivers behind

Room XXVI (Palais des Nations)
Public Events
Quel rôle pour la presse et les médias dans l’espace démocratique au temps des fake news ?

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Université de Genève, 24 rue du Général-Dufour
Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Climate Disaster Risk Finance and Development in Asia

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Maison de la Paix | Room S8
Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) / Meeting of the High Contracting Parties

Palais des Nations Room XIX
82nd session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry

Palais des Nations
Trade Policy Review Body - Nigeria

WTO, Geneva
Informal Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

WTO, Geneva
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

WTO, Geneva
Working Party on Rail Transport (78th session)

Palais des Nations
Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems meeting

Palais des Nations
Trade Policy Review Body - Nigeria

WTO, Geneva
ITU-R Study Group 6 (SG 6) - Broadcasting service​​

ITU Headquarters
Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

ILO Headquarters
LDCs SIDS Pledging event

Room XXII (Palais des Nations)
136th EXCOM meeting (Executive Committee)

Palais des Nations
20th Annual General Meeting of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF)

Palais des Nations
HRC Working Group on the use of mercenaries / 53rd session

Room IX (Palais des Nations)
Workshop on Cascading Shocks

WMO Headquarters and online
Committee on Regional Trade Agreements

WTO, Geneva
Expert Seminar on the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights in anti-corruption efforts in the context of recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

Palais des Nations
ITU-R Working Party 5B (WP 5B) – Maritime mobile service including the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)- Broadcast service assembly and access

ITU Headquarters
ITU-R Working Party 5C (WP 5C) - Fixed wireless systems; HF systems in the fixed and land mobile services

ITU Headquarters
ITU-R Working Party 5A (WP 5A) - Land mobile service excluding IMT; amateur and amateur-satellite service

ITU Headquarters
52nd Board Meeting

Global Health Campus, Chemin du Pommier 40
Committee on Regional Trade Agreements

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
État actuel des cybermenaces, les bonnes pratiques à suivre

MIA – Maison internationale des associations – Rue des Savoises 15
Public Events
Sustainability Masterclass Series | Women and Youth in the Sustainable Energy Sector

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16th session of the Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies

Palais des Nations
Committee on Market Access

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Young Activists Summit 2024 | ‘Go far, go together’

Palais des Nations
Public Events
International Organizations in Times of Crisis: Agenda-keeping in Global Governance

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Maison de la Paix | Room S8
Public Events
Blue Table Webinar: Ethics and Epistemic Intimidation

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11th meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs and Global Round Table on PRTRs

Palais des Nations
17th meeting of the Standing Working Group on Ageing

Palais des Nations
Trade Policy Review Body - Paraguay

WTO, Geneva
Coupled Physical, Economic and Financial Impact Modelling Workshop

WMO Headquarters
Public Events
Déjeuner-débat avec M. Valéry Freland, Directeur exécutif d'ALIPH

IRU Academy ATI e-meeting

Committee on Market Access

WTO, Geneva
Committee on Rules of Origin

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Martin Ennals Award Ceremony 2024

Seminar on the Practical Aspects of the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks for Advanced Users

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Public Events
International Conference on Sanctions, Business and Human Rights

Room XXVI (Palais des Nations)
CERN Colloquium | Is dark energy weakening?

Council Chamber (CERN)
Trade Policy Review Body - Paraguay

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Forum cinfo

Berne et online
Public Events
The Kofi Annan Changemakers | Pitching event and reception

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Salle Trocmé, Rue du Jura 2
2024 Innovations Dialogue: Quantum technologies and their implications for international peace and security

Campus Biotech and Online
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) / 114th session

Room PWG (Palais Wilson)
Forum on Business and Human Rights / 13th session

Palais des Nations
ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (65th session)

Palais des Nations
(TIRExB) TIR Executive Board (102nd session)

Palais des Nations
HRC UN Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights / 59th session

Palais des Nations
8th session of the Working Party on Public-Private Partnerships

Palais des Nations
5th Meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on IVDs

WHO Headquarters
WIPO to Host First IPGAP Global Research Experts Meeting on Improving Gender and Diversity in IP and Innovation

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development, 8th session

Palais des Nations
Informal Committee on Agriculture

WTO, Geneva
Committee on Agriculture

WTO, Geneva
Surveillance at the crossroads

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Palais des Nations
115th Session of the Council

Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG)
155th Meeting of the SPS and PS Experiments Committee (SPSC)

Council Chamber (CERN)
Fifty-fifth meeting of the Bureau (Industrial Accidents Convention)

Palais des Nations
Meeting of the Hemoglobinopathy subgroup Guideline Development Group

WHO Headquarters
Fifty-sixth meeting of the Bureau

Palais des Nations
Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (FFSR)

WTO, Geneva
Committee on Government Procurement

WTO, Geneva
Trade Policy Review Body - Brunei Darussalam

WTO, Geneva
Workshop on Harmonization of Poverty Statistics

Palais des Nations
13th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Industrial Accidents Convention)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Désinformation, paix et sécurité

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Room XXVII (Palais des Nations) et en ligne
Inclusive Human Rights DD: Integrating a protection lens into business practices

Room XXVII (Palais des Nations)
Forum on Minority Issues / 17th session

Palais des Nations
Multi-year Expert Meeting on Enhancing the Enabling Economic Environment at All Levels in Support of Inclusive and Sustainable Development, and the Promotion of Economic Integration and Cooperation, seventh session

Palais des Nations
Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality

Palais des Nations
42nd Round of the DGCFMC - Cotton Development Assistance

WTO, Geneva
Dedicated Discussion of the Relevant Trade-Related Developments on Cotton

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
Digital Transformation Dialogues Fireside Chat – Quantum Leaps: Pioneering the Future with Quantum Computing

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Public Events
UN Petite Forest Network Meeting

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Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore: 48th session

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Trade Policy Review Body - Brunei Darussalam

WTO, Geneva
Informal Council for Trade in Goods

WTO, Geneva
Informal quarterly briefing on the Global Compact on Refugees

Hybrid and in person, ILO Building
ITU-R Study Group 5 (SG 5) - ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Terrestrial services

ITU Headquarters
Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore: 49th session

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW) / 39th session

Room PW1 (Palais Wilson)
Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples / 38th session

Palais des Nations Room IX
Working Group on the strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), Fifth session

Room Tempus (Palais des Nations)
Working Party on Passive Safety (76th session)

Palais des Nations
27th meeting of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel

Secretariat headquarters
Public Events
ITU World Radiocommunication Seminar 2024 (WRS-24)

ITU Headquarters and online
Second Meeting of the TDAG Working Group on the Declaration (TDAG-WG-DEC)

Virtual meeting
Group of Experts on drafting a new legal instrument on the use of automated vehicles in traffic (9th session)

Palais des Nations
Pushing Boundaries Through Collective Action: How can citizens drive systems change and catalyze climate action? | GEN @ 25

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Palais des Nations | Room XVII
Pledging conference and Standing Committee planning meeting for 2025

Palais des Nations
Third Meeting of TDAG Working Group on Future Study Group Questions

Virtual meeting
ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (47th session)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
WHO Technical Webinar Series on Climate Change and Health | Accessing GCF Readiness funds with WHO as the Delivery Partner

Launch of the 2024 Women in Diplomacy Index

Palais des Nations
93rd General Assembly

EBU Headquarters
General Assembly 2024

4th Meeting of TDAG Working Group on Streamlining Resolutions

Virtual Event
Public Events
Road to OEWG 3.2 Series | Relevant Examples from Other Science-Policy Panels

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Public Events
Webinar: Accessing GCF Readiness funds with WHO as the Delivery Partner

ECOSOC Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (12th session)

Palais des Nations
Organizational session for the Human Rights Council

Room XVI (Palais des Nations)
Public Events
Building Bridges 2024

CICG, Geneva and Livestream
Scientific Policy Committee, Finance Committee, Restricted and Closed Council, Restricted Council - European Strategy matters

CERN Headquarters
Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP): 33rd session

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Executive Body, Forty-fourth session

Palais des Nations
Public Events
FIDIC Webinar Series | Tackling corruption and rooting it out of the industry. An essential webinar for International Anti-Corruption Day

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Global Commodities Forum 2024

Palais des Nations
2024 meeting: WHO Product Development for Vaccines Advisory Committee Meeting (PDVAC)

WHO Headquarters
55th meeting, UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board

85th meeting of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee

Palais des Nations
Public Events
18th UNEP FI Global Roundtable (GRT) alongside the 5th edition of Building Bridges

Geneva and online
Working group on measuring e-commerce and the digital economy, fifth meeting

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Blue Table Webinar: A New Global Compact on Ethics for Futures?

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Trade Policy Review Body - Solomon Islands

WTO, Geneva
Public Events
RSB Annual Conference 2024 | Sustainable Markets: Accelerating Finance for Good

CERN Headquarters
Public Events
ITU-ETSI Symposium on ICT Sustainability: Standards Driving Environmental Innovation

ITU Headquarters
Committee on Customs Valuation

WTO, Geneva
11th meeting of the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Déjeuner-débat avec M. Volker Türk, Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme.

Launch of the WIPO Toolkit on New Product Development and Inventions in the Public Domain

WIPO Headquarters
Trade Policy Review Body - Solomon Islands

WTO, Geneva
Oral presentation the the High Commissioner on the findings of the OHCHR report on the situation of human rights in Ukraine

Room XX (Palais des Nations)
Oral presentation by the High Commissioner on the findings of the OHCHR report on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua

Room XX (Palais des Nations)
The Conciliation Commission of the CERD on Palestine and Israel

Room PWG (Palais Wilson)
Working Group on the strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) / Meeting of States Parties

Room Tempus (Palais des Nations)
Joint Special Session on CTU Code

Palais des Nations
Joint meeting of the Working Parties on Rail transport and on Intermodal Transport and Logistics

Palais des Nations
Public Events
ICRC Conference on Weapon-Wounded Care

International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG)
Joint Meeting of Experts on the Regulations annexed to the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) (45th session)

Palais des Nations
Organizational meeting for the UPR selection of Troikas

Room XX (Palais des Nations)
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) / 98th session

Palais des Nations
HRC Working Group on discrimination against women and girls / 42nd session

Room PW1 (Palais Wilson)
Public Events
World Congress on Enforced Disappearances

Centre International de Conférences - CICG Genève
HRC Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review / 48th session #UPR48

Room AH (Palais des Nations)
64th meeting of the Standing Committee

Secretariat headquarters
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

Committee of Experts of the Vienna Union: 9th Session

WIPO Headquarters and Online
UNIDIR: Board of Trustees

Palais des Nations
Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) / 55th session

Palais des Nations
HRC Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances / 135th session

Room IX (Palais des Nations)
Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition, including skills and lifelong learning, in the food and beverages industry

ILO Headquarters
Production Technology Seminar 2025

EBU Headquarters
Administrative Committee of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) (33rd session)

Palais des Nations
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) / 100th Pre-sessional Working Group

Palais des Nations
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) / 90th session

Palais des Nations
HRC Working Group on Business and Human Rights / 40th session

Palais des Nations
TIR Executive Board (TIRExB)

Room VIII (Palais des Nations)
Advisory Committee on Enforcement: 17th Session

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Administrative Committee for the TIR Convention 1975

Room XXIV (Palais des Nations)
Organizational meeting for the 58th session of the Human Rights Council

Room AH (Palais des Nations)
HRC Working Group on Communications / 35th session

Room III (Palais des Nations)
Second GFMD Preparatory Meetings

Geneva & Hybrid
Immunization and vaccines related implementation research advisory committee (IVIR-AC)

WHO Headquarters
HRC Advisory Committee / 33rd session

Room AH (Palais des Nations)
UNOG Director-General's annual meeting with civil society

Palais des Nations
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) / 92nd Pre-sessional Working Group

Palais des Nations
Human Rights Council / HRC 58th session

Room AH (Palais des Nations)
HRC Working Group on the Rights of Peasants / 3rd session

Palais des Nations
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) / 32nd session

Palais des Nations
Human Rights Committee (CCPR) / 143rd session

Palais des Nations
Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples / 39th session

Room IX (Palais des Nations)
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