Movers and Shakers
Keep track of professionally-related news about appointments, promotions or moves to other institutions within International Geneva.
- Mayors call for greater recognition by the United Nations of the key role of local governments in achieving the SDGs
UNECE – 8 April 2019
- Mapping for humanitarian aid and development with weakly- and semi-supervised learning
Facebook / Artificial Intelligence – 9 April 2019
- Q&A | On rankings, red flags, and resilience
Interview of J.J. Messner, executive director of the Fund For Peace, which has just released its 15th Fragile States IndexThe New Humanitarian – 10 April 2019
- WHO Seeks To Strengthen Partnerships, Improve Financing For "Triple Billion" Targets
Health Policy Watch – 10 April 2019
- New Permanent Representative of the Marshall Islands presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva.
UNOG – 10 April 2019
- La gouvernance mondiale n'est-elle qu'une utopie ?
Avec M. Georges Corm, Mme Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, M. Valentin ZellwegerClub suisse de la presse – 10 avril 2019 (vidéo)
- « La gouvernance mondiale n'est-elle qu'une utopie ? »
Avec M. Georges Corm, Mme Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, M.Valentin ZellwegerClub suisse de la presse – 10 avril 2019
- UN's Grandi slams 'toxic language of politics' aimed at refugees, migrants
UN News – 9 April 2019
- Renzo Piano, architecte italien, signe le "Portail de la science" qui ouvrira au CERN en 2020 - 1
RTS/19h30 – 9 avril 2019 (vidéo)
- Renzo Piano, architecte italien, signe le "Portail de la science" qui ouvrira au CERN en 2020 - 2
RTS/19h30 – 9 avril 2019 (vidéo)
- UNCTAD wants to turn women from e-shoppers into digital changemakers
CNN Money Switzerland – 9 April 2019