
All activities in International Geneva at a glance. To stay informed about international Geneva upcoming events, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.


Main events of the year
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Building Bridges 2024

CICG, Geneva and Livestream
Next events
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352nd Session of the Governing Body

ILO Headquarters
ITU-R Working Party 6C (WP 6C) - Programme production and quality assessment

ITU Headquarters
ITU-D Study Group 1 - Enabling environment for meaningful connectivity

ITU Headquarters
ITU-R Working Party 1B (WP 1B) | Spectrum management methodologies and economic strategies

ITU Headquarters
Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (116th session)

Palais des Nations
ITU-R Working Party 6A (WP 6A) - Terrestrial broadcasting delivery

ITU Headquarters
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade

WTO, Geneva
Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

WTO, Geneva
Intergovernmental working group of experts on international standards of accounting and reporting, 41st session

Palais des Nations
29th session of the Committee on Environmental Policy

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Launch of the World Bank's 2024 World Development Report on the “Middle Income Trap"

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The FAB (Petal 2, 4th floor) - Maison de la paix
9th meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information under the Aarhus Convention

Palais des Nations
ITU Workshop on the Future of TV for Europe

ITU Headquarters and online
Public Events
CERN’s 70th anniversary Public Event | Global challenges and the role of science

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Sergio Marchionne Auditorium (CERN Science Gateway)
Public Events
Webinar | Unpacking Global Digital Compact | Book launch

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Public Events
30 Years of the TBT Agreement (technical barriers to trade | High-level event

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Hybrid event
79th session of the Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards

Palais des Nations
Radio Regulations Board (RRB)

ITU Headquarters
ITU-D Study Group 2 - Digital transformation

ITU Headquarters
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Thematic Session

WTO, Geneva
Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration

WTO, Geneva
ITU-R Working Party 6B (WP 6B) - Broadcast service assembly and access

ITU Headquarters
Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries

WTO, Geneva
WP.6 Education on standardization initiative (START-Ed) meeting

Palais des Nations
Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology

WTO, Geneva
Scientific Committees | ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee (INTC) - 77th Meeting

Room C (CERN) and remote
World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (194th session)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience: A global webinar for preparing reports and comments for the General Survey

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Informal Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

WTO, Geneva
82nd session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry

Palais des Nations
Working Party on Rail Transport (78th session)

Palais des Nations
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

WTO, Geneva
Trade Policy Review Body - Nigeria

WTO, Geneva
Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems meeting

Palais des Nations
Committee on Trade and Development

WTO, Geneva
Trade Policy Review Body - Nigeria

WTO, Geneva
136th EXCOM meeting (Executive Committee)

Palais des Nations
Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

ILO Headquarters
ITU-R Study Group 6 (SG 6) - Broadcasting service​​

ITU Headquarters
160th LHCC Meeting - OPEN Session

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)
Committee on Regional Trade Agreements

WTO, Geneva
20th Annual General Meeting of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Empowering Women-Led MSMES: Unlocking Growth Through Intellectual Property

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WTO, Geneva and online
Public Events
WSIS+20 HLE 2025 Open Consultations, First Meeting - Virtual participation

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ITU-R Working Party 5C (WP 5C) - Fixed wireless systems; HF systems in the fixed and land mobile services

ITU Headquarters
Committee on Regional Trade Agreements

WTO, Geneva
ITU-R Working Party 5A (WP 5A) - Land mobile service excluding IMT; amateur and amateur-satellite service

ITU Headquarters
Public Events
Danser avec l'Évolution

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Auditorium Sergio Marchionne (CERN)
Committee on Market Access

WTO, Geneva
ITU-R Working Party 5B (WP 5B) – Maritime mobile service including the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)- Broadcast service assembly and access

ITU Headquarters
Public Events
État actuel des cybermenaces, les bonnes pratiques à suivre

MIA – Maison internationale des associations – Rue des Savoises 15
16th session of the Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies

Palais des Nations
IRU Academy ATI e-meeting

Trade Policy Review Body - Paraguay

WTO, Geneva
4th Global Roundtable on PRTRs

Palais des Nations | Room V
17th meeting of the Standing Working Group on Ageing

Palais des Nations
Committee on Trade and Environment - Special Session

WTO, Geneva
Committee on Rules of Origin

WTO, Geneva
CERN Colloquium | Is dark energy weakening?

Council Chamber (CERN)
Public Events
From Theory to Practice Webinar | Tripartism and compliance: The journey of the Fair Work Ombudsman in Australia

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Seminar on the Practical Aspects of the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks for Advanced Users

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Trade Policy Review Body - Paraguay

WTO, Geneva
11th meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs

Palais des Nations
2024 Innovations Dialogue: Quantum technologies and their implications for international peace and security

Campus Biotech and Online
8th session of the Working Party on Public-Private Partnerships

Palais des Nations
Committee on Agriculture

WTO, Geneva
(TIRExB) TIR Executive Board (102nd session)

Palais des Nations
Informal Committee on Agriculture

WTO, Geneva
Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development, 8th session

Palais des Nations
ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (65th session)

Palais des Nations
WIPO to Host First IPGAP Global Research Experts Meeting on Improving Gender and Diversity in IP and Innovation

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Third Meeting of the Joint ILO–IMO Tripartite Working Group to Identify and Address Seafarers’ Issues and the Human Element

ILO Headquarters
Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (FFSR)

WTO, Geneva
155th Meeting of the SPS and PS Experiments Committee (SPSC)

Council Chamber (CERN)
Fifty-sixth meeting of the Bureau

Palais des Nations
Fifty-fifth meeting of the Bureau (Industrial Accidents Convention)

Palais des Nations
Trade Policy Review Body - Brunei Darussalam

WTO, Geneva
Committee on Government Procurement

WTO, Geneva
Workshop on Harmonization of Poverty Statistics

Palais des Nations
Multi-year Expert Meeting on Enhancing the Enabling Economic Environment at All Levels in Support of Inclusive and Sustainable Development, and the Promotion of Economic Integration and Cooperation, seventh session

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Growing Together: Cities for a Greener Future through the UN Petite Forests Network

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Palais des Nations
Public Events
Digital Transformation Dialogues Fireside Chat – Quantum Leaps: Pioneering the Future with Quantum Computing

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Dedicated Discussion of the Relevant Trade-Related Developments on Cotton

WTO, Geneva
Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality

Palais des Nations
42nd Round of the DGCFMC - Cotton Development Assistance

WTO, Geneva
Briefing Session for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Group in Geneva

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Trade Policy Review Body - Brunei Darussalam

WTO, Geneva
Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore: 48th session

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Public Events
Les journées Codez la science 2024

CERN et Hepia
Informal Council for Trade in Goods

WTO, Geneva
Working Party on Passive Safety (76th session)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
Pulp and paper industry - how to make the circular economy work?

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Palais des Nations
Second Meeting of the TDAG Working Group on the Declaration (TDAG-WG-DEC)

Virtual meeting
Council for Trade in Goods

WTO, Geneva
Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore: 49th session

WIPO Headquarters and Online
Group of Experts on drafting a new legal instrument on the use of automated vehicles in traffic (9th session)

Palais des Nations
Public Events
ITU World Radiocommunication Seminar 2024 (WRS-24)

ITU Headquarters and online
ITU-R Study Group 5 (SG 5) - ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Terrestrial services

ITU Headquarters
Third Meeting of TDAG Working Group on Future Study Group Questions

Virtual meeting
ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (47th session)

Palais des Nations
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